
Sydney Strand wrote her first book in second grade, about a girl marooned on an island on Christmas Day with a school of dolphins. She has no recollection about how it ended or even how that girl got there. Oh well. So much for rewriting it for the Caldecott award!

Sydney has been a newspaper columnist, magazine editor, and YA writer for Penguin Random, as well as a college English professor, freelance illustrator, and contract graphic designer. She has an affinity for Gilmore Girls, old school rom coms, apocalyptic movies, and all the Jane Austen/Jane Eyre/Elizabeth Gaskin period pieces.

Sydney has written fun rom coms with quirky story lines since 2013, and she aims to have stories that are reminiscent of a rom com movie you might see with Channing Tatum/Dermot Mulroney and Sandra Bullock/Debra Messing.

In 2024, Sydney will be releasing a comfy cozy funny and fun mystery series that features her illustrations. 

**You might have a keen eye and notice there are two TikTok links: one is to Sydney's behind-the-scenes writing world (@authorsydneystrand) and one is to her books (@happyromcombooks)