New Book! Once Upon a Pumpkin Spice Latte


Once Upon a Pumpkin Spice Latte is the book I've been working on and off since 2018. It was a broken book! I could not figure out who was breaking it, and once I did...well, I finished it and I'm proud of it. 

Yay me! ☺️

What is it about? It's about a prince, a principality, a stepsister, a maid service, and a Fall Ball in New Hampshire. And did I mention the Pumpkin Spice Latte? Oh. Maybe I did.

You can find it on Amazon as an ebook or paperback.


The Smilemaker

I do not profess to be perfect, even with my masters in English (rhetoric and the semantics of writing) and my 19 years as a college English professor.

I was also a national magazine editor for four years, and I use editors to proofread my work.
But, mistakes still go through.

Humans will human, and all that jazz. 

Which is why I have
The Oopsy Daisy Report! 

If you report an oopsy to me that hasn't been oopsied to me yet, I'll send you a little thank you, from one human to another. 🧡 Report all oopsies here: sydney (at) sydneystrand (dot) com